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Revolution Plus Property Limited. The most trusted and reliable Real Estate Company in Nigeria. Buy Land in Ibeju Lekki. Buy Property at Sangotedo
Revolution Plus Property Limited. The most trusted and reliable Real Estate Company in Nigeria. Buy Land in Ibeju Lekki. Buy Property at Sangotedo
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We're quite the bloggers

Where to invest

A regular phone number has 11 digits. Including the area code, imagine what that it will read in naira or dollars? Increasing your bank balance is obviously important for your financial health. Yet it may seem an impossible task when your salary is stuck where it...

The Lagos State Government

The Lagos State Government has signed the anti-land grabbing bill into law, offenders risk 21-years jail term It has often been said that the only time when we are no longer afraid is the time we begin to live-Dorothy Thompson.   Fear is a terrible sensation, one we...

When does a boy become a man?

When does a boy become a man? Urbanization is the gradual shift of population from rural to urban areas. It is predominantly the process by which towns and cities are formed and become mature as more people begin living and working in the central areas.   Sangotedo is...


WHY CITY OF LAGOS We do not need an angel to tell us about the depreciating status of the Nigerian economy. We see it, we feel it and we are all part of it.   However, while the effect of the economic downturn is fast manifesting across the...


THREE CONSTANTS IN LIFE There are three constants in life: change, choice and principles- Stephen Covey. The Ability to make a choice is one of the greatest gift we have received from God. Making a choice is more than just picking 'x' over 'y.' It is a responsibility...

How is your Economy Doing

"Life is not the way it is supposed to be, it is the way it is. The way you cope is what makes the difference." - Virginia Satir   How do you define the Nigerian Economy? It is no longer news that the Nigerian economy is going from...